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“The more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense”

- Nikola Tesla -

Journal Publications

  • Grilo C, Neves, T, ... Canal D (64/423), et al. 2024. Global Roadkill Data: a dataset on terrestrial vertebrate mortality caused by collision with vehicles. Scientific Data. In press.



  • Krenhardt K, Martínez-Padilla J, Canal D, Jablonszky M, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Laczi M, Markó G, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szász E, Szöllősi E, Török J,  Vaskuti E, Zsebők S, Garamszeg LZ. 2024. The effect of environmental variation on the relationship between survival and risk-taking behaviour in a migratory songbird. Journal of Evolutionary Biology.

  • Jablonszky M, Canal D, Hegyi G, Herényi M, Laczi M, Markó G, Nagy G, Rosivall B, Szász E, Török J,  Garamszegi LZ. 2024. The estimation of additive genetic variance of body size in a wild passerine is sensitive to the method used to estimate relatedness among the individuals. Ecology and Evolution.

  • Canal D,  Garamszegi LZ, Exposito E, Garcia-Gonzalez F. 2022. Experimental evolution reveals differential evolutionary trajectories in male and female activity levels in response to sexual selection and metapopulation structure. Evolution.

  • Le Vaillant J, Potti J, Camacho C, Canal D, Martínez-Padilla J. 2021. Fluctuating selection driven by global and local climatic conditions leads to stasis in breeding time in a migratory bird. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 34:10.

  • Canal D, Schlicht L, Santoro S, Camacho C, Martínez-Padilla J, Potti J. 2021. Phenology-mediated effects of phenotype on the probability of social polygyny and its fitness consequences in a migratory passerine. BMC Ecology and Evolution. 21, 55.



  • Päckert M, Ait Bekacem A, Wolfgramm H, Gast O, Canal D, Giacalone G, Lo Valvo M, Vamberger M, Wink M, Martens J, Stuckas H. 2019. Genetic admixture despite ecological segregation in a North African sparrow hybrid zone (Aves, Passeriformes, Passer domesticus × Passer hispaniolensis). Ecology and Evolution. 9: 12710–12726. doi:10.1002/ece3.5744.

  • Canal D,  Martín B, de Lucas M, Ferrer M. 2018. ­Dogs are the main species involved in animal-vehicle collisions in southern Spain: Daily, seasonal and spatial analyses of collisions. PLOS ONE. 13(9): e0203693.


  • Garamszegi L, Zagalska-Neubauer M, Canal D, Blázi G, Laczi M, Nagy G, Szöllősi E, Vaskuti E, Török J, Zsebők S. 2018. MHC-mediated sexual selection on bird song: generic polymorphism, particular alleles and acoustic signals. Molecular Ecology. 27:2620-2633.

  • Canal D, Camacho C, Martín B, de Lucas M, Ferrer M. 2018. ­Magnitude, composition and spatiotemporal patterns of vertebrate roadkills at regional scales: a study in southern Spain. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. 42: 2.

  • Camacho C, Pérez-Rodríguez L, Abril-Colón I, Canal D, Potti J. 2018. Plumage colour predicts dispersal propensity in male pied flycatchers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 72: 2.

  • Canal D, Morandini V, Martín B, Langgemach T, Muriel R, de Lucas M, Ferrer M. 2018. Productivity is related to nest site protection and nesting substrate in a German Osprey population. Journal of Ornithology.

  • Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J. 2017. Lifelong effects of trapping experience lead to age-biased sampling: Lessons from a wild bird population. Animal Behaviour.130: 133-139.

  • Canal D; Roques S, Negro JJ, Sarasola JH. 2017. Population genetics of the endangered Crowned Solitary Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) in South America. Conservation Genetics.18 (1): 235-240.

  • Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J. 2016. Natal habitat imprinting counteracts the diversifying effects of phenotype-dependent dispersal in a spatially structured population. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 16:158.

  • Canal D, M Mulero-Pázmány, F Sergio, JJ Negro. 2016. Decoration increases the conspicuousness of raptor nests. PLOS ONE 11(7):e0157440.

  • Moreno-Rueda G, Redondo T, Ochoa D, Camacho C, Canal D, Potti, J. 2016. Nest-dwelling ectoparasites reduce begging effort in pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) nestlings. Ibis. 158: 881-886.

  • Belkacem AA, Gast O, Stuckas H, Canal D, Lo Valvo M, Giacalone G, Päckert M. 2016. North African hybrid sparrows (Passer domesticus, P. hispaniolensis) back from oblivion - ecological segregation and asymmetric mitochondrial introgression between parental species. Ecology and Evolution. 16: 5190-5206.


  • Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J. 2015. Testing the matching habitat choice hypothesis in nature: phenotype-environment correlation and fitness in a songbird population. Evolutionary Ecology. 29: 873-886.

  • Garamszegi L, Zagalska-Neubauer M, Canal D, Markó G, Szász E, Zsebők S, Szöllősi E, Herczeg G, Török J. 2015. Malaria parasites, immune challenge, MHC variability and predator avoidance in a passerine bird. Behavioral Ecology. 26: 1292-1302.  ​


  • Canal D, Serrano D, Potti J. 2014. Exploring Heterozygosity-Survival Correlations in a Wild Songbird Population: Contrasting Effects between Juvenile and Adult Stages. PLOS ONE 9(8): e105020.

  • Potti J, Canal D, Camacho C. 2014. Ontogenetic variation in the plumage colour of female European Pied flycatchers Fidecula hypoleuca. Ibis.156: 879-884.

  • ​Kuhn K, Schwenk K, Both C, Canal D, Johansson US, van der Mije S,Töpfer T, Päckert M. 2013. Differentiation in neutral and candidate genes in the pied flycatcher: using biological archives to track global climate change. Ecology and Evolution. 3: 4799-4814.

  • Sarasola JH, Canal D, Solaro C, Galmes MA, Zanón-Martínez JJ, Negro JJ. 2012. Cross-species amplification of seventeen polymorphic microsatellite loci in the endangered crowned eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus). Molecular Ecology Resources. 12: 779-781. Please, cite this article as: : Andris M, et al. (2012) Permanent genetic resources added to molecular ecology resources database 1 February 2012 - 31 March 2012. Molecular Ecology Resources. 12: 779-781.

  • Canal D, Jovani R, Potti J. 2012. Male decisions or female accessibility? Spatiotemporal patterns of extra pair paternity in a songbird. Behavioral Ecology. 23: 1146-1153.

  • Potti J, Canal D. 2011. Heritability and genetic correlation between the sexes in a songbird sexual ornament. Heredity. 106: 945-954.

  • Canal D, Potti J, Davila JA .2011. Male phenotype predicts extra-pair paternity in pied flycatchers. Behaviour. 148: 691-712.

  • Canal D, Alcaide M, Anmarkrud JA, Potti J. 2010. Towards the simplification of MHC typing protocols: targeting classical MHC class II genes in a passerine, the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. BMC Research notes. 3: 236.

  • Canal D, Dávila JA, de Nova PJG, Ferrero ME, Potti J. 2009. Polymorphic microsatellite markers isolated from a southern European population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca iberiae). Molecular Ecology Resoures. 9: 1375 - 1379.  Please, cite this article as: Abercrombie LG, et al. (2009) Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources database 1 January 2009-30 April 2009. Molecular Ecology Resources. 9: 1375–1379. 

  • Potti J, Blanco G, Lemus J, Canal D. 2007. Infectious Offspring: How Birds Acquire and Transmit an Avian Polyomavirus in the Wild. PLOS ONE. 2-12. ISSN 1932-6203.

Book chapters
  • Canal D, Negro JJ. 2018. Use of drones for research and conservation of birds of prey. In Birds of prey - Biology and conservation in the XXI century. Springer.

  • Diaz R, Mañez M, Martinez A, Canal D, Ferrer M, Aragones D. 2017. Using UAVs to map the nests of aquatic birds.  In: The Roles of Remote Sensing in Nature Conservation: A Practical Guide and Case Studies. Springer.

Conferences and meetings
  • Jimeno B, Tangili M, Canal D, Camacho C, Potti J, Dominguez J, Garcia J, Ravinet M, Martínez-Padilla J. 2024. Epigenetic potential and dispersal propensity in free-living birds: a spatial and temporal approach. Oral presentation. European Conference on Behavioural Biology. Zurich, Switzerland.


  • Muriel J, Ruiz-Limón P, Martínez-Padilla J, Moreno-Indias I, Canal D, Videvall E. 2024. Fine-scale variation in gut microbiome in the pied flycatcher in central Spain. Oral presentation.  6th Nordic Society Oikos Conference. Lund, Sweden.

  • Kopena R, Lozano M, Canal D, Garamszegi LZ, Garcia-Gonzalez F. 2024. The role of sexual selection and population structure moderating the effect of high and unpredictable temperatures on the reproductive success of a model insect species. Poster. 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology. Bologna. Italy.


  • Muriel J, Ruiz-Limón P, Martínez-Padilla J, Moreno-Indias I, Canal D, Videvall E. 2024. Small-scale habitat determines gut microbiota of a migratory passerine on its breeding ground. Oral presentation.  Society for Experimental Biology’s Annual Conference. Prague, Czech Republic.

  • Canal D, Santoro S, Lara A, Alcaide M, Camacho C, Potti J. 2023. MHC supertypes affect survival and lifetime reproductive success in a migratory songbird. Oral presentation. XVII National and XV Iberoamerican Congress of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology. Badajoz, Spain.

  • González-Bernardo E, Canal D, Camacho C, Muriel J, Martínez-Padilla J, Potti J, Moreno-Rueda G. 2023. Haemosporidian infection is related to the expression of female plumage ornamentation in a wild passerine. Poster. XVII National and XV Iberoamerican Congress of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology. Badajoz, Spain.

  • Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J, Martínez-Padilla J. 2022. Natal experience, genetic origin and selection for philopatry in a spatially structured population. Oral presentation. 9th International Hole-Nesting Birds Conference 2022. Oxford, England.

  • Martínez-Padilla J, Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J. 2022. Parasites during early life mediate the strength of phenotypic selection on sexual traits. Oral presentation. 9th International Hole-Nesting Birds Conference 2022. Oxford, England.

  • Canal D, Santoro S, Lara A, Alcaide M, Camacho C, Potti J. 2022. MHC supertypes affect survival and lifetime reproductive success in a migratory songbird. Oral presentation. 9th International Hole-Nesting Birds Conference 2022. Oxford, England.

  • Zsebők S, Vaskuti E, Laczi M, Nagy G, Jablonszky M, Barta K, Canal D, Garamszegi LZ. 2022. How do animals build acoustic sequences? Relationship with acoustic traits and individual quality in the song of collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). Oral presentation. Hungarian Ethologists' Association Conference (MET-2022). Budapest, Hungary.

  • Martínez-Padilla J, Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J. 2022. Density-dependent selection on local and immigrant birds drives the evolutionary dynamics of sexual ornaments. Oral presentation. 18th International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress (ISBE). Stockolm, Sweden.

  • Canal D, Jablonszky M, Krenhardt K, Markó G, Nagy G, Szász E, Török J, Zsebők S, Garamszegi LZ. 2021. Within- and between-individual variations in the courtship behaviour of a songbird. Oral presentation. Hungarian Ethologists' Association Conference (MET-2021). Budapest, Hungary.

  • Jablonszky M, Canal D, Gergely H, Miklós L, Gábor M, Gergely N, Rosivall B, Szász E,  Zsebők S & Garamszegi LZ. 2021. Additive genetic variance in the song of the collared flycatcher. Oral presentation. Hungarian Ethologists' Association Conference (MET-2021). Budapest, Hungary.

  • Canal D, Jablonszky M, Krenhardt K, Markó G, Nagy G, Szász E, Török J, Zsebők S, Garamszegi LZ. 2021. Male and female identity and environmental contexts influence courtship intensity in a songbird. Oral presentation. The evolution of personality in animals and humans Workshop. Erice, Italy

  • Canal D, Schlicht L, Santoro S, Camacho C, Martínez-Padilla J, Potti J. 2021. Phenology-mediated effects of phenotype on the probability of social polygyny in a migratory passerine. Oral presentation. Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB) summer conference. Belfast and Virtual.

  • Canal D, Schlicht L, Camacho C, Martínez-Padilla J, Potti J. 2021. Socio-ecological factors and phenotype relative to neighbors shape the opportunity for polygyny in a migratory songbird. Oral presentation. 139th annual meeting of the American Ornithological Society (AOS).

  • Canal D, Garcia-Gonzalez F, Garamszegi L. 2021. Experimentally constrained early reproduction shapes life history trajectories and behavior. Poster. Third conference of the Netherlands Society for Evolutionary Biology  (NLSEB2021). Virtual.

  • Le Vaillant J, Potti J, Camacho C, Canal D, Martínez-Padilla J. 2020. Plasticity evolutionary potential under environmental variation in a population of pied flycatchers,  Ficedula hypoleuca. Oral presentation. VII Biennial Congress of the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology (SESBE). Seville, Spain.

  • Canal D, Schlicht L, Manzano J, Camacho C, Potti J. 2020. Socio-ecological factors shape the opportunity for polygyny in a migratory songbird. Oral presentation. Hungarian Ethologists' Association Conference (MET-2020). Hungary.

  • Jablonszky M, Canal D, Gergely H, Miklós L, Gábor M, Gergely N, Rosivall B, Szász E, Török J Zsebők S & Garamszegi LZ. 2020. Heritability of song in the collared flycatcher. Poster. Hungarian Ethologists' Association Conference (MET-2020). Hungary.

  • Canal D. 2020. Plastic responses of a wild bird population to environmental changes. ÖK days - Centre for Ecological Research. Invited talk. Budapest, Hungary.

  • Le Vaillant J, Potti J, Camacho C, Canal D, Martínez-Padilla J. 2019. Plasticity in evolutionary potential under environmental variation in a population of pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca. Oral presentation. The 2019 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB). Turku. Finland.

  • Le Vaillant J, Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J,  Martinez-Padilla J. 2019. Evolvability of phenotypic plasticity under environmental varation in a population of pied flycatchers, Ficedula hypoleuca. Oral presentation. VII Congreso Ibérico y XXIV Español de Ornitología. Cadiz, Spain.

  • Martinez-Padilla J, Jennings, V, Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J. 2019. Differential density-dependent selection on resident and immigrant birds drives the evolutionary dynamics of secondary sexual traits. Poster. VII Congreso Ibérico y XXIV Español de Ornitología. Cadiz, Spain.

  • Garrido-Bautista J, Moreno-Rueda G, Baz A, Canal D, Camacho C, Cifrián B, Nieves-Aldrey JL, Carles-Tolrá M, Potti J. 2019. Variation in parasitoidism of the fly Protocalliphora azurea by the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis. Oral presentation. IV Congress of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation. Cadiz, Spain


  • Santoro S, Losada M, Canal D, Camacho C, Potti J. 2018. Mate choice, sex allocation and their interplay in a polygynous bird species. Oral presentation. International Congress of the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology. Mieres, Spain.

  • Camacho C, Martínez-Padilla J, Canal D, Potti J. 2018. Differential dispersal shapes the evolutionary dynamics of body size in a wild bird population. Oral presentation. International Congress of the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology. Mieres, Spain.

  • Fernández Díaz P, Santoro S, Canal D, Camacho C, Potti J. 2018. Survival costs and future reproductive output in the facultatively polygynous pied flycatcher. Poster. International Congress of the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology. Mieres, Spain.

  • Martínez-Padilla J, Camacho C, Estrada A, Garcia-Gonzalez F, Canal D, Early R, Jennings V, Le Vaillant J, Potti J. 2017. Evolutionary dynamics in wild birds: from single populations to multiple species. Oral presentation. 8th International Hole-Nesting Birds Conference. Trondheim, Norway.

  • García R, Canal D, Garamszegi, L. 2017. Female ornamentation and male mate choice in the collared flycather. Oral presentation. II Congress of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation. Almeria, Spain.

  • Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J. 2017. Evolutionary consequences of non-random dispersal in a spatially structured population. Oral presentation. BOU 2017 Annual Conference: From avian tracking to population processes. Warwick, UK.

  • Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J. 2016. Nonrandom dispersal: causes and consequences for population divergence. Oral presentation. International Congress of the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology. Granada. Spain.

  • Abril-Colón I, Camacho C, Pérez-Rodríguez L, Canal D, Potti J. 2016. Natal dispersion depends on the plumage colour in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Oral presentation. International Congress of the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology. Granada. Spain.

  • Sarasola JH, Canal D, Galmes M, Negro JJ. 2015. Using molecular techniques to analyse the reproductive strategy and spatial ecology of the crowned eagle (Buteogallus coronatus). Oral presentation. XVI Argentinian Congress of Ornithology. La Plata. Argentina.

  • Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J. 2015. Nonrandom dispersal and evolutionary divergence: insights from a wild bird population. Oral presentation. XI ‘Ecology and Behaviour’ Conference. Toulouse, France.

  • Moreno-Rueda G, Redondo T, Ochoa D, Camacho C, Canal D, Marfil-Daza C, Potti J. 2014.Nest-dwelling ectoparasites reduce begging effort in Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca nestlings. Oral presentation. XV National and XII Iberoamerican Congress of the Spanish Ethological Society. Barcelona, Spain.

  • Ochoa D, Redondo T, Moreno-Rueda G,  Marfil-Daza C, Camacho C, Canal D, Jimenez G, Potti J. 2014. Evolution of begging signals in nestlings: cost of begging affect individual fitness in the pied flycatcher. Oral presentation. XV National and XII Iberoamerican Congress of the Spanish Ethological Society. Barcelona, Spain.

  • Manzano J, Canal D, Camacho C, Potti J. 2014. Spatio-temporal patterns of polygamy and fitness consequences in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Oral presentation. XXII Spanish Congress of Ornithology. Madrid, Spain.

  • Canal D, Roques S, Sarasola JH, Negro JJ. 2013. Population genetic of the endangered crowned eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus) in Argentina. Poster. XV Argentinian Congress of ornithology. La Pampa, Argentina.

  • Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J. 2013. Plastic adjustment to short-scale environmental changes: influence of mean lifetime phenology on response intensity. Poster. International Congress “Adapting to Global Change in the Mediterranean Hotspot”. Seville, Spain.

  • Camacho C, Canal D, Potti J. 2012. Asymmetric dispersion may generate evolutionary scenarios at small scale. Oral presentation. XXI Spanish and V Iberian Ornithological Congress. Vitoria, Spain.

  • Canal D, Jovani R, Potti J. 2012. Male decisions or female availability?. Spatiotemporal patterns of extra pair paternity in a songbird. Oral presentation. XIV National and XI Iberoamerican Congress of the Spanish Ethological Society. Seville, Spain.

  • Canal D, Jovani R, Potti J. 2012. Multiple mating opportunities boost protandry in a pied flycatcher population. Oral presentation. 4th lnternational Eurasian Ornithology Congress. Baja, Hungary.

  • Canal D, Potti J, Dávila JA. 2009. Evidence for a link between extra pair fertilizations and choice of good genes in pied flycatchers. Poster presentation. II Congress of the Spanish Society for Evolutionary Biology. Valencia, Spain.

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